No More Regrets or Resolutions

No More New Years Resolutions ... Let's go with changes

What we should do instead of resolutions this year.

In 1969, Frank Sinatra recorded and released a song titled “My Way.”
The song starts out

So now, the end is near
And so I face the final curtain
My friend, I’ll say it clear
I’ll state my case, of which I’m certain
I’ve lived a life that’s full
I traveled each and every highway
And more, much more than this
I did it my way
Regrets, I’ve had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do
And saw it through without exemption
I planned each charted course
Each careful step along the byway
And more, much more than this
I did it my way.

(English Words by Paul Anka. Original words of the French song “Comme d’habitude,” by Claude Francois, Gilles Thibaut, Jacques Revaux)

“The more things change, the more they remain the same.”  If you want to live life your way you will probably have more than a few regrets in the end. Living life independent of God results in a life of pain and sorrow. We see the results of it everywhere we look, even in our own lives.

Life is full of decisions and choices, and when we make the wrong ones we usually have regrets. I believe that the Holy Spirit brings conviction in our regret to lead us to repentance, even down to our final breath.

It’s been said that ” the fool learns from his mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others.” But I tell you, the fool never learns. The wise man learns from their mistakes. The genius learns from the mistakes of others.

The goal of life is to live it for Jesus and have as few regrets as possible. Our regrets shouldn’t define us, but refine us. Confess them to Jesus and receive His mercy, pardon, and power to overcome them and put them behind us.

I was recently  asked to comment on my biggest regret if I were to die last year?  I/we don’t like to think about or discuss our failures. It’s easier to instead talk about our successes. I would want it to be, that I have loved God, and my fellow man too much. That I have won too many souls to God’s Kingdom. That I have been a good son, brother, husband, father, and uncle.  My concern is that it would have been the opposite, that I had only marginally succeeded in those areas. 

If I have to die before Jesus returns, I want to die faithful, with my boots on, having left it all on the battlefield for my Savior and Lord. I want to hear “Well done, good and faithful servant.” How about you?

In this  new year may we let Jesus redeem last year’s regrets into confirmations of His Righteousness and Grace, for His Glory. May we quit making promises –some people call them New Year’s  Resolutions – which are like “ropes of sand,” impossible for us to keep. Instead may we start believing and claiming  His promises, which are impossible for Him to break. If we do this we will have no more regrets or resolutions. I want to be better through  the indwelling power and Grace of God, because I know that I can’t do it on my own. He deserves better. If we keep doing what we have been doing, we will keep getting what we have been getting.

No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. (Philippians 3:13-14 NLT)

Let’s keep pressing on in Jesus’ name! Let’s run the race this year to win it. May we experience a more abundant and fulfilling new year, as day by day we draw closer to the finish line and the return of our Lord. Amen?

He Became One of Us

Only one Black Friday offers eternal savings | Jesus, Church signs ...

In America the day after Thanksgiving, “Black Friday,” is when retailers have some of the best deals of the year. It kicks off the holiday shopping season. However, because of the incarnation of Christ, the greatest “Black Friday Deal” is available 24/365.

Galatians 4:4 says that in the “fullness of time God sent forth His Son to be born of a virgin.” The fullness of time, refers to the time prophecy of Daniel 9:24 – 27, which is a Messianic timeline prophecy recorded by the prophet Daniel over 500 years prior. God had set a specific time for Jesus to come to earth. God had also set a manner that the Messiah would come to earth. He would come into our world in the usual way but with a couple significant twists. The mother would be a virgin because she would not be impregnated by man but by the Holy Spirit. Think of the huge risk God took by choosing to do things in this way. What if something happened to Mary during her pregnancy? What if she bailed and decided to be “pro-choice?” God puts it all on the line by entrusting the Savior of the world to a teenage girl.

DNA, (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is the “stuff of life,” the building block of all life. It’s been called the creation of God, because of its otherworldly complexity. It is both the blueprint for and the operating software of life. It carries not only one’s physical characteristics, but also their mental, emotional, and even spiritual propensities.

“Therefore he had to be made like his brothers in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.” (Hebrews 2:17 ESV) In every respect? Yes, in His humanity, even down to the level of DNA. However, the “monogenes” (begotten) aspect of Jesus makes Him very unique, or one of a kind indeed. Fully human and fully God, a type of “hybrid,” if you will. Don’t ask me to diagram it because I can’t. I simply accept it by faith.

The “Son of God” was prophesied to be “the son of David,” of his lineage and DNA. Both Mary and Joseph were descendants of David, and many scholars believe that Luke gives us Mary’s genealogy, while Matthew gives us Joseph’s.

One would think that the Messiah should have come from a perfect “pure bred pedigree” family tree, but He didn’t, because none were available. Besides, fallen humanity is what needed saving. Instead, his family tree, lineage, and gene pool is a potpourri of characters – some good, some not so good. There was a liar and deceiver, a murderer and adulterer, idol worshippers, child sacrificers, polygamists, and even a prostitute. There were also faithful followers, reformers, and a kinsmen redeemer.

It should comfort and encourage us to know that Jesus’ family tree had a few knots and nuts in it just as ours do. Yet, in spite of that handicap, the “Son of God” remained unstained by the shame, guilt, and dysfunction of his ancestors, in spite of the DNA He assumed. Consider that the Creator of DNA took on DNA that was detrimentally mutated by the fall of Adam, and He was victorious over it. Think of the sheer genius of God that, though Jesus didn’t have any paternal DNA deficiencies directly, 1. He inherited both maternal and paternal DNA weaknesses through the combined lineage of Mary and Joseph because of their shared genealogies.

The Scripture calls the incarnation a “great mystery.” In other words, it’s hard to wrap our minds around it. It’s definitely a mind bender.

And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. 1 Timothy 3:16.

One of my favorite authors, further expands on the mysterious nature that Christ assumed when He came to earth.

“The incarnation of Christ is the mystery of all mysteries.

Christ was one with the Father, yet …He was willing to step down from the exaltation of one who was equal with God…

How wide is the contrast between the divinity of Christ and the helpless infant in Bethlehem’s manger! How can we span the distance between the mighty God and a helpless child? And yet the Creator of worlds, He in whom was the fullness of the Godhead bodily, was manifest in the helpless babe in the manger. Far higher than any of the angels, equal with the Father in dignity and glory, and yet wearing the garb of humanity! Divinity and humanity were mysteriously combined, and man and God became one.

It would have been an almost infinite humiliation for the Son of God to take man’s nature, even when Adam stood in his innocence in Eden. But Jesus accepted humanity when the race had been weakened by four thousand years of sin. Like every child of Adam He accepted the results of the working of the great law of heredity (DNA). What these results were is shown in the history of His earthly ancestors. He came with such a heredity to share our sorrows and temptations, and to give us the example of a sinless life.

Those who claim that it was not possible for Christ to sin, cannot believe that He really took upon Himself human nature. But was not Christ actually tempted, not only by Satan in the wilderness, but all through His life, from childhood to manhood?

Our Saviour took humanity, with all its liabilities. He took the nature of man, with the possibility of yielding to temptation. We have nothing to bear which He has not endured….God has adopted human nature in the person of His Son, and has carried the same into the highest heaven…. Heaven is enshrined in humanity, and humanity is enfolded in the bosom of Infinite Love. Christ bowed down in unparalleled humility, that in His exaltation to the throne of God, He might also exalt those who believe in Him, to a seat with Him upon His throne. ”

Our Father Cares Devotional – Ellen G. White, Page 75

We have been visited by God in human flesh. He is “Emmanuel,” God With Us. He has entered into our DNA, and He invites us to come to His house, and sit with Him on His throne. Today many feel depressed and discouraged during the holidays because they don’t have the means, or the family to meet the societal and cultural expectations that come with them. Away with such melancholy, for the Advent season isn’t about giving gifts. It is about receiving the greatest and costliest Gift ever given.

Christ’s Advent connects us to the cross, and the cross connects us to His Advent, and they both connect us to the heart of a loving heavenly Father that so loved you that He gave you the greatest gift. He was born into this world in the shadow of the Cross. He was born to die, so that we might live.

This year, let us not stress and obsess over giving gifts. Instead rest, destress, and be blessed, as you receive and share the gift of God. Don’t leave it unopened or unshared.

Many babies became kings, but only one king became a baby. Why did He do it?

He did it for love. He did it for you and me. Let Him be what He came to be, our Savior and Lord.

As we celebrate the Advent season, let us remember that the greatest Gift wasn’t placed under a tree but was hung on a tree. In appreciation, give Him a gift in return. All He wants is you! He wants your heart.

The most important part of the story isn’t when He came, it’s that He came. However, isn’t it amazing the way He came? It’s definitely something to ponder.

Come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord!

  1. The only genetic material that He received from a paternal view was the “Y” chromosome which made Him male.

    Disclaimer: Some images  may be subject to copyright, used under the fair use provision of the copyright law.

From Thanksgiving to Thanks-Living

“Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. 2 Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. 3 For the LORD is the great God, the great King above all gods.”
Psalm 93:1-3

In America, we will soon be celebrating Thanksgiving on November 28. Thanksgiving day has become synonymous with feasting and football, with a minor emphasis on giving thanks to God for His abundant blessings. However,  Christians, conscious of God’s continuing blessings, may  live a lifestyle of thanks-living. As Matthew Henry so perfectly encapsulated that thought, “Thanksgiving is good but Thanks-Living is better”.

Science tells us that having an attitude of gratitude brings many benefits, and these benefits transcend religion. However, it can be easy to forget and get mired in the negatives that bring bring only loss. Today we want to recalibrate our minds for the practice of “Thanks-Living.”

“Nothing tends more to promote health of body and of soul than does a spirit of gratitude and praise. It is a positive duty to resist melancholy, discontented thoughts and feelings–as much a duty as it is to pray. If we are heaven-bound, how can we go as a band of mourners, groaning and complaining all along the way to our Father’s house?”
Ministry of Healing, p. 251

If we have Jesus as our assurance of salvation, then we are infinitely better off than having the winning lottery ticket. We are wealthier in true riches than Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and all the richest people in the world combined. One day the accumulation of riches won’t mean much when we walk streets of gold. We should, of all people, be the most thankful, grateful, and happiest people on the planet.

I want to share a summary of a very interesting article on this subject from a Reader’s Digest article; “Health Benefits of Gratitude: Five Ways Counting Your Blessings Can Improve Your Life”, by Beth Dreher. 1

The article focused on the benefits of a grateful attitude and notes the following:

  • It helps  you sleep better. (Next time you can’t sleep don’t count sheep, count your many blessings as you talk to “the Shepherd”. As the song says, “Count your many blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done!”)
  • Gratitude can strengthen your willpower. (Don’t we all need more of that?)
  • Gratitude can decrease stress. It activates feel-good hormones in the brain.
  • Gratitude can help you make more friends.In a 2015 study published in the journal Emotion, thanking a new acquaintance makes them more likely to seek an ongoing relationship.”
  • Gratitude can reduce aches and pains.

An “attitude of gratitude” can cure us of what I call “me-itis,” an unhealthy self-focus. It is the antidote to an entitlement mentality, it can ease our anxiety, deliver us from worry, and lift us out of the pit of depression. It can even help us in our grieving process.

The term “give thanks” occurs 35 times in the KJV.

It is almost always implied as giving thanks to God for doing something in the life of someone such as the following:

Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits…
Psalm 103:2-5 

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” Ps 106:1.

“Praise the LORD! Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever”. Ps. 106:1

We should give thanks to God not only for what He does but also for what He doesn’t do.

“Their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.”
Heb. 10:17 (NKJV) also John 3:17

We can give thanks that God  exercises grace towards us, rather than justice, which is what we deserve. Grace is getting what we don’t deserve. Jesus experienced the death that we deserve so that we can have the life that He deserves.

“Mercy and truth have met each other: justice and peace have kissed.” Psalm 85:10

“Christ on the cross was the medium whereby mercy and truth met together, and righteousness and peace kissed each other.”
Ellen White in 
The General Conference Bulletin, April 1, 1899

Do we stop and give thanks to Jesus for all He has done? Not just once a week, or once a year, but every day? Are we living a life that testifies that we appreciate His sacrifice? Are we “thanks-living”?

The word “thanksgiving” occurs 29 times  in the KJV.

Thanksgiving is acknowledging  God as the Giver of all good gifts.

“Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.”  Ps 100:4

In my pre-Christian and even early Christian days I used to be plagued with debilitating anxiety and panic attacks.  They were so bad it nearly drove me to self destruction. Then I committed several “mind altering” verses to memory and it helped me off that gerbil wheel. The following verses were my prescription for anti-anxiety, far better than Xanax.

We are admonished to “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;” Phil 4:6(NKJV) This admonition is followed by the promise, “and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Phil. 4:7 Another powerful anti-anxiety verse for me was Isa. 26:3- “You will keep him in perfect peace,  Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.”  I prescribe these verses to everyone as their daily “Gos-Pills.” Applying the Gospel to your ills is far better than any pharmaceutical pills, and no negative side effects, only blessings.

Here we are given the antidote to anxiety and worry. A thankful, grateful mind and a mind focused on Jesus, is a mind that is at peace, even in the midst of the storms of life. We need not worry or be afraid.

“We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history.”
Ellen White, in Life Sketches, p. 196

The word praise occurs in 218 verses.

To praise God goes along with thanksgiving. “Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.” Heb 13:15 (NKJV)

Paul and Silas praised God at midnight in a Philippian prison after they had received a beating (Acts 16:25), and then an earthquake broke their chains. The redeemed will praise God when  they receive their crowns. God inhabits the praises of His people. Shouldn’t we start practicing now?

Even in grief, an attitude of gratitude softens the blow and eases the pain. In the sudden and unexpected death of my mother I was able to process the grief easier than expected by leaning on the Lord and His Word, thanking and praising Him for giving me such a wonderful Mother. It didn’t erase, but greatly reduced the emotional pain and grief. I didn’t get stuck in my grief because I focused my mind on my faith and the “Blessed Hope”.  Researchers have found that the “faith factor” greatly helps in navigating the difficulties of life and loss.

Let’s take a few moments at the beginning and ending of each day to stop and reflect on the goodness of God. Through it all, the good, the bad, the happy, and the sad, He’s brought us to it all, to bring us through it all. Let us share with others how the Lord has blessed us, and our hopes for the coming new year.

May God empower us to  turn our Thanksgiving into Thanks-living!

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  1. I recommend  the whole article for interesting details. You can read it by following the link: Reader’s Digest, December 17, 2020., accessed, November 6, 2024

To Vote Or Not to Vote That Is the Question

Christian voting and federal electionsEarly voting in the upcoming national election in the United States has already begun in some states. I believe that the nonpartisan, universal biblical principles I present here are applicable to any election, anywhere in the world elections are held.

The United States of America was birthed out of a prophecy in Revelation 12:6-17.  The dragon used the Roman church as the instrument to persecute the woman (church). The Pilgrims who came to America were largely fleeing political and religious persecution and sought to form a nation free from a king and a church free from a pope. While the British Empire had hoped that America would become another of their colonies, the first in the “New World,” their hopes would be shattered as the colonists fought  against them to free themselves from being ruled by an oppressive power.

One of the founding fathers  of the U.S.A., Benjamin Franklin, was leaving Independence Hall in Philadelphia in September 1787, after meeting with the Continental Congress to form a new type of government in America.

Elizabeth Willing Powel approached Benjamin Franklin after the signing of the Constitution and asked, “Well, Doctor, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?” Franklin famously answered, “A republic, if you can keep it.”1

“The brevity of that response should not cause us to under-value its essential meaning: democratic republics are not merely founded upon the consent of the people, they are also absolutely dependent upon the active and informed involvement of the people for their continued good health…If there is a lesson in all of this it is that our Constitution is neither a self-actuating nor a self-correcting document. It requires the constant attention and devotion of all citizens.”  Dr. Richard Beeman, is  professor of history and dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania.2

To preserve a republican type of governance requires three key ingredients;

1) An informed populace, via an honest and unbiased free press. Do we have that? Hardly! Too many people vote out of ignorance, not being accurately informed of the issues by a media that is beholden to party politics instead of “fair and balanced” reporting. Many people are “brainwashed” and distracted by the media from the issues into voting based upon identity politics, gender, ethnicity, party, or personality of the candidate.

2) A moral populace. The late radio commenter, Paul Harvey used to say, “self-government will not work without self-discipline.” He was spot on. To Christians it is no surprise that the moral fabric of our society has become tattered and stained. It has been prophesied to be this way in the last days. 2 Timothy 3:2  describes our world today.

(3) Participation by morally upright and properly informed citizens. The disengagement of Christians to be “salt and light” in society is partially responsible for the moral decay of society. When the light of the Gospel, doesn’t shine out from our “stained glass windows,” society grows darkened. When “the salt of the earth” stays in the “shaker,” we lose our ability to preserve society from decay.

“The prosperity of a nation is dependent upon the virtue and intelligence of its citizens. To secure these blessings, habits of strict temperance are indispensable. The history of ancient kingdoms is replete with lessons of warning for us. Luxury, self-indulgence, and dissipation prepare the way for their downfall. It remains to be seen whether our own republic will be admonished by their example, and avoid their fate.” (Ellen G. White, Gospel Workers, p.388.)

Might this be why we are perilously close to losing our republic? You commonly hear American politicians speak about “threats to our democracy,” as if “democracy” were the US form of government. However that is a misleading term, as the United States of America was founded as a constitutional democratic republic, not a pure democracy. A pure democracy is government by majority, which does not safeguard the rights of the minority and can easily degrade into a “mobocracy, ” where the mob rules and persecutes the minority that resists or disagrees with it.

Should Christians Vote?

This is a pertinent question beyond America, it’s for all countries that allow for citizen participation in voting. Read Mark 12:13-17. When Jesus was asked if it was lawful for Jews to pay taxes to Rome, he asked for a coin and then inquired whose likeness was upon it. When the people responded, “Caesar’s”, he responded, “give to Caesar the things that belong to Caesar, and to God the things that are God’s.”

The things belonging to “Caesar” (government) represent our obligations to our ruling government. I believe this includes voting. It’s been called our “civic duty.” I realize that not every Christian will share my views, but I suggest some thoughts to ponder.

 “He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return. And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come.” Luke 19:12,13

In the parable Jesus encourages His “servants”  to “occupy until I come.” What does that mean? Does it mean to sit around and watch society decay while we wait for Jesus to return? Hardly!  I believe that it means to be busy using and improving our talents, time, and treasure to reach more people for God’s Kingdom. We are called to be salt and light in our dark and decaying world, but how can we be that, if we refuse to leave the shaker, or don’t let our let our light shine? We can’t! The salt becomes worthless and the light becomes hidden. As Edmund Burke wrote;

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” 3

I understand that too many people, consider the word “politics” to be derived from two words, “poly,” meaning many, and “tics”, little blood sucking insects. LOL! Actually according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word politics simply means; “The art or science concerned with guiding or influencing governmental policy.”

Think about it, if the “good” or godly” people aren’t involved in politics, then, by default, who will fill the void? That’s right, the “bad” and “ungodly” people will run and order things according to their worldview. Could this also be why society is crumbling?

I recently heard someone speaking on the radio regarding the Christian’s potential to influence positive societal change through political involvement in America. He stated that of all the voting-age professing Christians in the United States (approx. 93 million), only half (approx. 46.5 million) are registered to vote. Of that number less than half approx. 23 million) exercise their privilege and fulfill their civic duty to vote. In other countries I suspect the percentages may be similar.

In keeping with the mandate that Jesus gave us “to occupy”, we could and should be agents of positive change in society. The political process is one avenue to accomplish that mandate and positively influence society. To the unbeliever, the government becomes like their “God”. The political process becomes their “religion”. Are we as a nation, worshipping government over God and His principles?

“There is a cause for the moral paralysis upon society. Our laws sustain an evil which is sapping their very foundations. Many deplore the wrongs which they know exist, but consider themselves free from all responsibility in the matter. This cannot be. Every individual exerts an influence in society. In our favored land, every voter has some voice in determining what laws shall control the nation. Should not that influence and that vote be cast on the side of temperance and virtue?” Review and Herald, Oct. 15, 1914. (Italics supplied.)

In the early 20th Century,  the biggest moral issue facing society and the church was the prohibition of alcohol, which resulted in the Christian temperance movement. Today the moral issues are multitudinous, ranging from abortion, human trafficking, drug trafficking , open borders, and senseless wars. And the list goes on. To stem the tide, we can and should pray. It is the most powerful weapon in our arsenal, and yet we have another weapon which many Christians fail to use – the power of our vote.

Rules of Engagement If You Decide to Vote

1. Vote on the issues: Do not vote on the party, personality, gender, or ethnicity of the candidates.  Issues are the things that directly affect society more than any other factors. In fact  other factors are often used to distract from the issues. Winston Churchill wasn’t the most eloquent or likeable politician in England during World War II, but he helped to save England from the Nazis. As a Christian I am most concerned about the lives of the vulnerable, the unborn, and the elderly. Because of Creation, all human life has intrinsic value.

Other issues that will directly affect society are taxes, law and order, religious liberty, immigration, fiscal policy, foreign aid, et cetera. “Charity begins at home,” and our tax monies should first go to improve our country, not others, especially those that don’t appreciate freedom of conscience. What does it profit a country to save the world, but lose their own nation?

Voter guides are available which compare where the candidates and political parties stand on the issues. The following websites are very helpful  in that regard, with many informative resources, videos, and articles on the subject. (There are probably similar websites in foreign countries)

2. Be informed: 
If you’re not thinking for yourself, then someone else is thinking for you. The serpent was eloquent in the Garden of Eden, but it was used as a medium of Satan to distort and misrepresent the facts. The media today are not much different.

Do your own research, verify the things you are told. Fact check, the “fact checkers”. Truth is often distorted or suppressed under the guise of “fact checking”. For a republic to survive, it requires an informed and educated populace. This is a growing problem in America today with dishonest and biased journalists and media organizations,  and the degradation of the educational system. Be a modern day “Berean”.

3. Know the track record of the candidates: In the world of investing there is a disclaimer often used when evaluating an investment prospectus, “past performance doesn’t guarantee future results”. A politician’s voting record, and/or activity, or lack thereof while in office, is a strong indicator of their future performance. A candidate who changes positions to match the current of popular opinion on the issues is not to be trusted. They will say what the people want to hear in order to get elected, then revert to their own agenda after getting elected. Actions speak louder than words.

4. Pray: Pray for wisdom to know the right candidate and platform to vote for. Vote on biblical principles and values, not societal ones. Vote for policies  that will benefit and bless society, knowing that we will be held accountable for the evils that our vote causes or allows to continue in society.

 “Christians in the first century didn’t have the privilege of voting; Caesar was a dictator, not elected by popular vote. But those early believers were commanded to do the one thing they could do to make the world a better place: They were told to pray. The Apostle Paul wrote, “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority” (1 Timothy 2:1-2)…Our world will never be perfect—not until Christ returns. But in the meantime, God wants to use us to overcome sin and establish a more just world for His glory…Pray for our nation, especially as we look forward to elections. . .
Pray especially that God will raise up leaders who will stand for justice and morality, and will seek God’s will in all they do…Pray too that our nation will turn to God, and that we may experience true spiritual revival. Increasingly we seem to be pushing God out of our lives as a nation—and this will have tragic consequences. Don’t let this happen to you, but make sure of your commitment to Christ, and seek to follow Him every day. The Bible’s standard is still true: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 33:12).   Billy Graham 4

As Christians we know that this world is not our home. Therefore we shouldn’t become absorbed in politics because we know that our hope is not in “man”.  However I don’t believe that means that we should surrender our ability to influence society through political participation. Through exercising our privilege to vote, we have an opportunity to shape society for good and possibly “hold off the winds of strife”, until more people have had the opportunity to hear and accept the Gospel.

We are not to pledge our allegiance to political parties as our hope to reform our nation. If we are to vote we should do so prayerfully, and intelligently, not emotionally, following biblical principles for the governance and welfare of society. We want our children and grandchildren to inherit a better country than we grew up in, should the return of Jesus not be in our lifetimes.

“Men of intemperance have been in the office today in a flattering manner expressing their approbation of the course of the sabbathkeepers not voting and expressed hopes that they will stick to their course and like the quakers, not cast their vote. Satan and his evil angels are busy at this time, and he has workers upon the earth. May Satan be disappointed, is my prayer.”   —
E.G. White diary, Sunday, March 6, 1859.5

Satan seems to know better than the Christian church that he is running out of time, as there is a nearly global drift or push towards communism. It’s been said that “you can vote yourself into communism, but you will have to fight yourself out of it”.  Vote wisely to prevent this from happening to your country. Elections can carry serious consequences.

We know that there are no perfect candidates.  Jesus isn’t on the ballot, though His principles may be. Neither is Jesus voting, except by proxy through His people.  One day, He will take His rightful place as Sovereign over all creation, with no elections required. In the meantime, I believe we should follow His command to occupy until He comes.

Ultimately our hope isn’t in the “Elephant” (Republicans) or the “Donkey” (Democrats), but in the Lamb (the Lord).


  1. “Reflecting on Franklin the the Statesman; Collection: Ken Burns in the Classroom,”
  2. “Perspectives on the Constitution a Republic if you can keep it,” by Richard R. Beeman, PhD
  3. “The Only thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil.” English Plus, January 22, 2024
  4. “No Matter What, Exercise your Right to Vote,” Billy Graham, July 28, 2016
  5. E.G. White. Diary (2 Selected Messages, page 337.3)